Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Internt TV Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internt TV - Assignment Example NBC The methods of delivering a video may change due to technological changes with the passage of time but story-telling via videos like cartoons, movies and news will never change. So, it can be predicted that a company like NBC that is a great media content provider will be able to stay in business. The overall trend of watching a greater part of vide content over the internet is not linked to a small demographic sector of the consumers but it is a rather consistent phenomenon across the globe and is popular among all ages and genders. (Fisher, 2007) As part of the action plan it has been suggested that NBC international should continue selling news and entertainment content to the TV and cable companies until the Internet TV industry becomes mature. However, the content produced by NBC should be compatible to Internet TV, hence, NBC must adapt to new business models in order to go through the transition phase from traditional TV to internet TV. The entire infrastructure and the me dia content should be transformed from traditional contents to digital contents in order to meet the requirements of the future generations of internet TV. It is possible for NBC to broadcast the content over Internet TV in two ways: Live broadcasts and on-demand videos. Using the live broadcasting method, the company can stream its content on their own official website and other internet TV service providers. On the other hand, on-demand video is the preparation of videos in a playlist form which are either hosted by the official website of the company or other channels. Playlists can be planned in different categories in order to cater the needs of different consumer segments like music, business and sports etc. The consumers should be given an opportunity to choose what to watch and when to watch. It has been recommended that NBC should adopt any one of the following types of new revenue streams: Subscription: Subscription fee can be charged either on per video basis or monthly b asis, for on-demand videos without advertisements. Free broadcasting: Using the free broadcasting from its official website or other Internet TV content providers, NBC should keep incorporating small advertisements like the present TV commercials in order to generate revenue. According to my opinion there is no loss expected to NBC in revenue streams, though the revenue generation may slow down a bit during the phase of transition from conventional TV to digital TV. Rogers It has been recommended for Rogers to develop and incorporate a cloud computing mechanism for the transition from traditional TV to Internet TV. With the help of cloud computing, not only a tremendous speed can be achieved but also the entire family would be able to stay online at the same time and watch whatever they want. Rogers should send video content to the cloud server where data would be stored and the internet TV providers will access them and display on request. The main advantage of this would be that t he company will gain revenue from both the consumers and the Internet TV providers. This would not involve any significant equipment costs to the company. The company would not need to manage and upgrade the servers it would be the Internet TV providing companies who will be doing it. The new revenue generation streams for Roger would be fee charged to the consumers for watching the content whereas the loss of revenue

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